Spy on your competitors

Learn what their users love and dislike about their app, and market gaps that you can take advantage of.

ReviewMind app screenshot

How does it work?

ReviewMind uses GPT-3.5 to perform a sentiment / SWOT analysis on the last 500 customer feedbacks from the App Store based on a given country.

Analyse users feedback in seconds.

Reviewing users feedback manually is tedious and slow. ReviewMind uses AI to read and analyse hundreds of users feedback in seconds.

Perform a sentiment or SWOT analysis.

Based on what you're looking for, you can either perform a sentiment or a SWOT (Strengths. Weaknesses. Opportunities. Threats) analysis to better understand what the users are looking for.

Filter and sort comments

Want to get more context about the report? No problem you can filter and sort the comments however you like to find whatever keywords you're looking for.

Export report & all comments to .md file

Want to export the report for later use? No problem you can export the full report with all the comments embedded to a markdown file.

ReviewMind app screenshot

One-time purchase. 14 days money back.

This is a perpetual license, allowing you to use the product indefinitely after a one-time purchase, including one year of free updates.

5 Devices. One Year Update